Competitive Company - Ages 6-18

Take Your Dance To The Next Level

Our competitive company is for dancers ages 6 and up who are committed to taking their dance to the next level. Dancers audition to be placed in a company. Our training program is a 2-3 day a week program with no weekly weekend classes! We strive to create a balance between dance and life for our dancers that cultivates a life long love of dance and lessens burn out. We also are one of the most well rounded studios in Fort Wayne with our dancers competing in up to 7 genres of dance! The best part about our team is the bond the kids and parents make along the way. Not only are we teaching dance lessons, but life lessons so that our dancers leave our program confident to go out and take on the world! Click below to get started with a week trial of classes and a free pair of dance shoes!

Tap Company

The Tap Company is a part of Three Rivers Dance Academy’s competitive company. Tap Company members must be enrolled in their weekly level tap class along with the weekly Tap Company rehearsal class. The Tap Company will compete in 2 local and 1 travel competitions.

Full Company

Full company members audition and are placed into a minimum of 1 large group jazz, musical theater, or hip hop group and a minimum of 1 small group lyrical, contemporary, or tap group. Company members will compete these dances in 2 local and 1 travel competition. In addition, company members must take ballet. Company members wishing to further their dance training in our intermediate company track must also take Strength & Stretch class and one additional class as well as participate in one convention each year.